My Friend, my name is Tim Evans. It is my pleasure and privilege to be the pastor at Massey Hill Baptist Church.

In 1985 I turned to Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive me of my sin and be my Lord and Savior. That day my life was eternally changed!

Before coming to Christ my life was a life of misery and sin. I had spent much of my life in selfish pursuits that caused much hurt to me and my family.

I came to realize that I was lost in sin (Romans 3:23) and without hope in the world (Ephesians 2:12) without Christ!
I had been raised in church as a child and youth, but went my own way as soon as I could which only led to a life of trouble and misery.

Many times I would pray and ask the Lord to help me in my misery, but with no plan to turn from my wicked ways.

But when I was convicted of my sin and my need of Christ, then I turned to Him with all my heart. It was then that Christ truly saved me and changed my life.

Now I know I have eternal life and will go to heaven when I die.

The Bible says, “These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13)

Janice Lonsbury
Youth Leader


Debbie Ammons
Youth Leader

Steve Rozier
Sunday School Director

Amy Evans
C.A.R.E. Teams Director

Connie Hair Pianist

Sue Bradley, Choir Leader